Eboni N Ivory

Eboni - "Nini" for short - now retired is one of our greatest loves.  She was the reason we started flyball.  She is a rescued Boston Terrier.  We were happily doing Border Collie things like herding and agility - until Nini came into our lives.  She was a rescue - found loose in the streets of downtown Cleveland late at night.  She was about 5 months old, dirty, with a cherry eye and scared to death.  There was a pit fighting ring in the area and it was suspected that she was going to be used as a bait puppy and she got away.  Good for her and us!!  Since she has come into our lives we have learned the joy of many things - terriers, working with rescues, and flyball to mention just a few.  

Nini was a valued part of our Flyball club.  She was one of our club's height dogs - reducing the jump heights to her regulation height.  Which means she is the only dog on the team that has to jump her full regulation height - and she did it with lots of gusto!  She loves to give Boston Terrier kisses.

Eboni was Ranked #8 NAFA Boston Terrier